The settings are made easily from the PLC-controlled touch screen.
Mechanical settings are simple to use and easy to learn.
Information on usage can be stored in memory and used continuously.
Daily cleaning is easy.
It is easy to disassemble, install and replace belts and running parts.
The speeds of all belts can be adjusted to the desired level.
Electrical and electronic faults that may occur are displayed on the PLC screen with pic and text.
Conçues, Fabriquées et Assemblées en France, nos Machines sont Certifiées Origine France Garantie.
Nous sommes les seuls concepteurs et fabricants français de matériels pour le domaine de la Boulangerie-Pâtisserie.
Spécialistes de la dresseuse/pocheuse, fonceuse à tarte et table vibrante.
Nous avons pour objectif de vous soulager des tâches répétitives, tout en préservant la particularité de la fabrication artisanale.
It is used for breaking and crushing wheat in flour factories. The most important machine of the flour mill, the roller mill consists of two pairs of roller balls operating in parallel. Unlike the pneumatic roller, the incoming product amount is measured with the help of a sensor or load cell. Feeding rollers change speed according to the incoming product amount and provide homogeneous flow. At the same time, the gap between the rolls is closed by pneumatic pistons and allows the product to be grinded by passing through the rolls.
The bearings of the rolls are ductile iron and the arms of the rolls are conical. It is produced with gear drive and belt drive. It can also be produced with an optional touch control screen. Especially thanks to the side covers that can be opened one by one based on the opening system, it provides fast and easy access and the possibility of rapid ball removal with the cover opened on the ball.
-Dosage continu au fur et à mesure de l'avancement du tapis.
-Réglage manuel de la hauteur de la tête de dosage, qui s'abaisse automatiquement pour chaque dose.
-Vitesses de ceinture réglables par affichage.
-Le contrôle du dosage est géré par un système de servomoteur qui confère à la machine une plus grande vitesse, une plus grande douceur et une plus grande précision pour travailler avec une grande variété de densités.
-Grâce au servomoteur, l'utilisateur peut contrôler électroniquement la quantité de dosage ainsi que les vitesses de chargement et/ou de déchargement.
-Mouvement anti-goutte avec aspiration du produit.
-Tout cela avec une grande précision et avec la possibilité de pré-enregistrer ces paramètres dans plus de 100 recettes.
Peleuse manuelle qui s’adapte à tous les types de poissons en pelage fin : poissons plats comme la sole, ailes de raie, seiches, calamars.
Cette machine versatile peut être vendue sans table (V568 ST) ou avec une table spécialement conçue pour peler les petits filets (V568 PF). Accompagnée de son arrosage en surface, la table optimise le brillant et permet de conserver le même rendu qu’un tirage main.
Elle peut être utilisée par les poissonniers ou en grandes surfaces, pour travailler différents poissons avec une seule machine. La denture peut en effet être adaptée sur un même rouleau de manière à peler des poissons de toute épaisseur.
Enfin, le rouleau d’engagement, en option, améliore la sécurité de travail et la qualité du produit final.
- Simple d’utilisation
- Commande fémorale
- Injection d’eau
- Porte-lame à lames interchangeables
- 100% acier inoxydable
- Double table d’alimentation
Options :
Table à petits filets (PF)
Rouleau d’engagement
Largeur de coupe:488mm
Mesa con abrasivo adherente de 1.5 por 1.5 metros.
Capacidad para bloque de 1.5 por 1.5 metros y 0.8 metros de alto.
Dispositivo repetidor de formas.
Tensor con indicador luminoso.
Compás para el corte de cilindros sin necesidad de plantilla.
Cuerpo de corte totalmente contrapesado.
Deslizamiento de carro suave y silencioso por rueda de nylon.
Motor de 3 CV a 220/380 ó 380/660, según la tensión existente.
Maniobra a 24V cumpliendo la Normativa Europea vigente.
Opcionalmente se construye con mesa giratoria manual estacionaria de 90 en 90 grados.
Modelos:F.H.E. 1500
Heavy duty single-pocket dough divider.
Funnel Capacity, 60 Kg
Dough cutting capacities 250 gr to 1000 gr
Piston Diameter 130 mm,60 kg dough capacity hopper
Dough cutting is done with vacuum system (cutting drum and suction piston)
Cutting capacity is from 1500 to 2000 pcs per hour
Easy speed and dough weight adjustment via handwheels
Closed circuit oiling system
(Vegetable oil puts inside the oil tank ( 2/3), this oil has to be changed once every 3 week)
Electric Power: 1.5 Kw., 380 V, 50 Hz.
Dimensions : 720*1350*1500 mm, Weight : 450 kg.
Dirmak Machinery ISM Series appeal many sectors to cater with a wide range of products from 10 litre up to 350 litre. Our machines provide to knead very short time thanks to excellent bowl and spiral apparatus design. Spiral mixer yields very quick preparation without warming and tiring products such as dough, mincemeat, cigkofte etc. ISM Series give power to your business with quite and smooth operation, durable and long-lasting.
Pressa insaccatrice semiautomatica per
pezzi di carne in budelli fibrous, fibram ecc. e/o rete elastica
e collagene fino a diametro 170 mm
Pressa insaccatrice semiautomatica per pezzi di carne
in budelli fibrous, fibram ecc. e/o rete elastica e collagene
fino a diametro 170 mm.
Utilizza stampi rotondi, ovali, quadri e rettangolari.
Camera insacco standard da 500 mm;
Macchine speciali con camere da 700, 800, 1.000 mm.
Funzionamento pneumatico o elettropneumatico con PLC
Modello:IF 5600
Dimensioni:325x70x150 (H) cm
Produzione fino a:1,5
Zur Herstellung von unterschiedlichen Stanzteilen aus Folien, Papier, Kartonagen, Textilien, Leder, Schäumen und verschiedensten Verbundenen. Integrierbar in ebenfalls lieferbare Kaschieranlagen.
Besondere Merkmale:
sehr hohe Präzision für extrem maßgenaue Stanzungen über gesamte Arbeitsbreite
äußerst robuste Bauweise
hohe Produktionsleistung
kurze Rüstzeitenhohe Reproduzierbarkeit (Auflösung < 1/1000 mm)Werkzeuge an beliebiger Stelle positionierbar
geräuscharmer Betrieb mit geringem Energieverbrauch
Erweiterung um zahlreiche Aggregate bis zueiner Komplettanlage möglich
Die vollautomatischen Schneidemaschinen von Bizerba entsprechen höchsten Anforderungen in der Lebensmittelverarbeitung.
Sie können einfach in Produktionslinien integriert werden und sind trotzdem flexibel bei wechselnden Einsatzorten.
Unsere Rakelstreichmaschinen können für die unterschiedlichsten Einsatz- zwecke mit den verschiedenen Beschichtungsvarianten zum Streichen auf Zylinder, Streichtisch, Luftrakel oder Gummituch kombiniert werden.
Ridat’s Roller Cutting Press (RCP) machines are designed to cut plastic thermoformed sheet, rubber, leather, board, foil and other gasket material, plastic foam, plastic coated or impregnated fabric.
Production steps are as follows:
Vacuum formed sheet is placed upside down on a cutting mould
Board is placed on top and the sandwich is fed through the press
A pair of pressure rollers causes the sandwich to press against the steel rule knife within the cutting mould thereby individualising the material.
Key machine features include:
Solid steel cutting pressure rollers
Both pressure rollers are driven
Electric motor gearbox drive
Dual Control sequence switching - Jog or Run
Steel Conveyor rollers
CE Mark
Trichter für Lebensmittel. Wir binden diese auch in den kompletten Prozess ein.
Individuelle Lösungen finden – damit kennen wir uns aus! Je größer die Herausforderung, desto innovativer wird unserer Sonderanlagenbau für für Sie. Denn: Wir planen, konstruieren und fertigen Sonderanlagen
It is the machine that enables the products with dough consistency to be portioned in the desired gram and as the desired outlet. Production can be made according to the design and capacity in accordance with customer demand.
Hamur kıvamındaki ürünlerin istenen gramda ve çıkış ağzı olarak istenen şekilde porsiyonlanmasını sağlayan makinedir. Müşteri talebine uygun dizayn ve kapasiteye göre üretim yapılabilir.
Continuous draining on all product types.
Vibrator comprised primarily of a vibrating pan with removable and perforated screens according to the dimensional characteristics of the products processed.
The optional spillway at the inlet of the vibrator allows for the recovery of products coming from a hydraulic carrier.
Capacity:3 t/h to 20t/h according to the unit weight of the products processed and the model.
Leistungsstarke Schleifmaschine in kompakter Bauweise für den mobilen als auch stationären Einsatz. Hervorragendes Preis - Leistungsverhältnis. Artikelnr.: 20-00242
Höchste Modularität – Hocken und Einbeuteln von Geflügel
Die Manuelle Geflügel-Einbeutelmaschine MPL (Bagger), kombiniert mit Einzelclipmaschinen der Easy Clip Line®, ist ideal geeignet für das effiziente Verpacken von Hühnern, Enten, Gänsen und Geflügelteilen im Beutel.
Technische Änderungen sind vorbehalten.
•For dosing cakes into moulds of different shapes and sizes.
•The mixture can have solid particles incorporated.
•Exact dosage of the product from 100 to 1,500 cc,
•The dosage is volumetric and the number of doses for each stop can be configured from the screen, in case more doses are needed to fill the mould.
•It can work with delicate masses.
Different elements of the dosing machine can be custom-configured: type of dosing nozzles, heated tank, conveyor belt, topping dispenser, etc., and adapted to the characteristics of the product to be dispensed.
•TO MAKE: marble cake, musician's cake, plumcake, mouse cake, cheesecake, chocolate cake, etc.
Intermediate Proofer has 154 pcs CUPS, Cup dimensions 16x 16 cm
Each line has 7 cups,totaly there is 22 lines and 1pcs extra for spare parts.Cups are wipeable&hygenic.
Maturing time is 4,5 min.
User can follow up with glass section.
430 Stainless Steel (1 mm , 1,5 mm or 2 mm) Stainless Steel using for different parts.
Motor Power is 0,55 Kw ( 17 m/ r), 380 VAC-50 Hz (Three Phase),
Machine dimensions: 1600*1000*2160 mm, Weight: 650 Kg.
Pressa insaccatrice automatica o semiautomatica
per pezzi di carne in budelli fibrous, fibram ecc. e/o rete elastica
e collagene fino a diametro 230 mm
Pressa insaccatrice automatica o semiautomatica
per pezzi di carne in budelli fibrous, fibram ecc. e/o rete
elastica e collagene fino a diametro 230 mm.
Utilizza stampi rotondi, ovali, quadri e rettangolari.
Un temporizzatore permette di programmare la durata
del ciclo di funzionamento della macchina in continuo.
Camera insacco standard da 500 mm; macchine speciali
con camere da 700, 800, 1.000 mm.
Funzionamento elettropneumaticocon PLC.
Possibilità di funzionamento sincronizzato
di due macchine speculari.
Per l’ottimizzazione del personale impiegato.